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The Art of Connecting

The beautiful art on my blog today was created by a talented artist who said simply to credit her via her tumblr site:

The 'About Me' section on one of my writing sites (wattpad) used to say "One day I want to be a New York Times Bestselling Author", and that's still true. But I feel differently about why I write now, ever since I started writing fan fiction and experiencing that connection with others who are fans of the same movie, and with the readers who are desperate for more stories to be written about their favourite characters!

I read a post on Tumblr where a girl explained how her favourite characters in a movie (and the fan fiction she reads about them) help her to escape her depression and anxiety, even if only temporarily. It makes her life better and gives her a 'safe place' to go.

I realized this is what I want to do with my writing, to create a written work that takes people away from their difficulties and gives them a safe place they can escape to, to feel the emotions they can't face in their real lives, to experience the emotional connections they don't have in their own relationships, between characters they grow to love and care about, connecting in a way they haven't been able to in the real world (something I'm always searching for in my own life).

Seeing all the Fan Art out there, of my own personal favourite movie character couple (Reylo) makes me realize even more how every person has a voice to express themselves, whether by drawing, painting, music, dance, sculpture, poetry or fiction stories, to inspire others, either by their own creations or by enjoying the creations of others and thereby encouraging the artists/writers to keep going.

If you're interested in my new fan fiction venture, a Star Wars romance between Kylo Ren and Rey, you can find it on both wattpad and here:

Thanks for being part of my writing journey. And I'm grateful to all the authors out there who have taken me away into their stories, and the artists who've been creating beautiful fan fiction art for me to enjoy seeing! It brings a smile to my face.

Happy writing everyone


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