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Entering the Novel Part 2! (Penticton)

Hello everyone,

I'm here again! In Penticton, the place that Abby, from The Virgin Diaries, visits when she runs away to chase the sun.

The sights, the sounds and smells, are all familiar yet different now that I'm here again, to compare my memory of the place and imagination (in my writing) to the real thing here in Penticton.

The first thing I did when I arrived was buy an Ogopogo plush! I'd tried to buy one online at home but I couldn't find a plush just like the ones sold here.

Buying one gave me a great idea! Why not do an online give-a-way for the readers! So after the book launch I will post a contest ^_^ Find the page in the novel where all the photos that I post

are mentioned and be the first to reply and you win the prize pack!

I've been accumulating some fun merchandise for the giveaway! Including a pink hoodie, pictured here, size Large, and an Ogopogo plush, of course, and a mug! Then I will add to the package a signed book of The Virgin Diaries!

The novel will be available to purchase by mid-September and even earier for some ereaders. The ebooks are on for a great introductory price, under $3!

So if you think you can find a page number for where certain landmarks were seen by Abby then stay tuned for the online contest!

Happy reading everyone,


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