From Fantasy Forests To Dystopian Cities!
The RITA Series is Ready! #writing #bookreview #yabooks #fantasybooks #yanovel #YAscifi #books #YAfantasy #bookrelease #fiction

Blogger Q&A Tag: My Turn…
I have been tagged by Mandy Eve Barnett https://mandyevebarnett.com to play along with this Q&A, so here goes! Rules: Thank the blogger...

A New Year's Letter
I was planning to write a blog post for New Year’s about New Year’s Resolutions and all the excitement of making plans for 2016 (and...

Do You Have the Pitch Factor? (What I learned at London Screenwriter's Festival 2015)
Want to envision something terrifying to get you in the mood for Halloween? Imagine being in a large room, the audience packed with...

Do You Have the Pitch Factor? (What I learned at London Screenwriter’s Festival 2015)
Imagine being in a large tent, the audience packed with writers that have all their attention focused on the stage, where you’re about to...

Fight or Flight?…. Or Freeze? Is your character’s response to fear realistic?
We’ve all seen the movies like the Titanic, where a disaster or emergency has everyone running for their lives, people screaming, trying...