From Fantasy Forests To Dystopian Cities!
The RITA Series is Ready! #writing #bookreview #yabooks #fantasybooks #yanovel #YAscifi #books #YAfantasy #bookrelease #fiction

The Wait is Finally Over!
After much hard work, the third book of the Gifted Series is finally available! This was one of my hardest books to write, rewrite, edit...

It’s Finally Here!
My new novel is now available for sale on Amazon.com! A very happy moment 😀  I’ve been working on this novel for over 2 years now. What...

2016 Contest Winner!
Congratulations to Samantha Donnelly for winning my online (Facebook) New Year's contest for a signed book of the Virgin Diaries! (and a...

The Reviews Are In!
When I first submitted my novel to the San Francisco Book Review this summer, I had no idea what the outcome would be. It could turn out...

Entering Into the Novel Part 2 (Penticton)
Hello everyone, I’m here again! In Penticton, the place that Abby, from The Virgin Diaries, visits when she runs away to chase the sun....

Fight or Flight?…. Or Freeze? Is your character’s response to fear realistic?
We’ve all seen the movies like the Titanic, where a disaster or emergency has everyone running for their lives, people screaming, trying...